01-10 Durotar
01-10 Mulgore
01-10 Teldrassil
10-20 Darkshore
10-25 Barrens
15-27 Stonetalon Mountains
18-30 Ashenvale
25-35 Thousand Needles
30-40 Desolace
35-45 Dustwallow Marsh
40-50 Feralas
40-50 Tanaris
45-55 Azshara
48-55 Un'goro Crater
48-55 Felwood
53-60 Winterspring
55-60 Moonglade
55-60 Silithus
01-10 Dun Morogh
01-10 Elwynn Forest
01-10 Tirisfal Glades
10-20 Loch Modan
10-20 Westfall
10-20 Silverpine Forest
20-30 Wetlands
15-25 Redridge Mountains
18-30 Duskwood
20-30 Hillsbrad Foothills
30-40 Alterac Mountains
30-40 Arathi Highlands
30-45 Stranglethorn Vale
35-45 Badlands
35-45 Swamp of Sorrows
40-50 Hinterlands
45-50 Searing Gorge
45-55 Blasted Lands
50-58 Burning Steppes
51-58 Western Plaguelands
53-60 Eastern Plaguelands
55-60 Deadwind Pass
Mysteries of Maraudon
Ruins of the Dire Maul
Assault on Blackwing Lair
Rise of the Blood God
Dragons of Nightmare
The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
Shadow of the Necropolis